We all have dreams, don’t say you
don’t. It is human nature to have dreams, hopes, aspirations, goals... whatever
word you want to use to name them. We all have them.
Somewhere maybe in the depth of your
soul, covered in a layer of dust, there is a dream just waiting for you to
find, rediscover and maybe possibly even make come true.
I have many dreams that come in many
shapes and sizes. I have tinny little dreams and life altering, world changing
dreams. I think about my dreams often, daydream about them and pray to achieve
them. I have a main dream that has stayed with me for as long as I can
remember. I want to be a writer. I don’t dream about just writing, no I want to
be known as an author. I want to contribute something to this world beyond my
children and the legacy they will grow. I want to share my words, my thoughts,
and my imaginationJ.
I want to write books that bring something to the people who read them, whether
it is a smile and a laugh or a tear and a sigh. I want to write words that
touch on memories forgotten and moments lost through time. Okay, I realize I am
oozing sappiness right now with my Hallmark inspired words, but it is all true.
I love to write, to create with words. Writing, being a writer is all I’ve ever
really wanted to do with my life. Of course my life took a path I did not
expect and writing has had to wait. Thankfully I was able to find this dream
again, now that the kids are older and I have had 5 minutes to focus on it,
versus the 30 seconds I use to have to eat, shower and sleep when the kids were
Although I’ve always written stuff, it
was always for my eyes only, or for school, or a letter to my Grandma. I am
just now finding my footing with the whole writing for public viewing. I struggle
with things like actually finishing a piece, or with proper grammar or proper
writing structure. I did not go to college for writing (although I really wish
I had). I have a lot to learn about being a good writer and I have a lot of
growing to still do as a writer. The truth is though, I am tired of putting
this dream, this true passion of mine on the back burner. So even though it is
going to be sloppy and disorganized, I am going to write. I might have run-on
sentences, the flow of the piece might be a disaster and the content may only
consist of the random ramblings of an overworked, underpaid woman who is also a
mom and wife, but I am going to write. I know in my heart of hearts that
someday, maybe tomorrow or a month from now, or a year from now, maybe even
possibly 10 years from now (God I hope not) it will all come together and I
will be the writer I want to be, the writer I dream of being, the writer I know
I am!!